The harsh reality of owning a pet is that it will die either from illness or old age. There are also times when you must make the painful decision to put it to sleep. Some dogs may be able to die peacefully. On the other hand, some dogs continue to live even when the quality of their life has worsened.
It is very common to see pet owners attempting to extend the lives of their aging animals. Most of them could be using advanced veterinary treatments, but the question is whether you’re acting in your dog’s best interests or for your own benefit.
Humans have no control over things like death and aging. However, you can do something to keep your pet from suffering unnecessarily.
You should consider euthanizing your beloved dog if it no more has a good quality of life. It might be a difficult decision to make, however, it is in the dog’s best interests. Hiring in-home pet euthanasia services is a great option allowing your pet to die in their own home. It is the greatest gift you can give them if you can no longer control or cure their ailments.
A pet dog should be maintained alive as long as it is living a happy and healthy life. Not sure how to figure it out? Read this checklist covering seven signs that will tell you it is time to say goodbye to your fur friend.
1. Lethargy/Disinterest for a Long Time
This is the most prevalent indication that death has begun. Not interested in toys or walks, barely addressing family members — in other words, not acting like themselves.
Other health concerns might cause dogs to become lethargic, but if you’ve ruled that out and it persists for more than a day, it could be an indication that it’s time to say goodbye to your dog.
2. Lack of Appetite
In the final days of a dog’s life, it’s typical for them to lose their appetite, especially if they’re sick or in pain. Even a general sense of drowsiness can make your dog reluctant to get up and feed.
You may also notice that your dog is rapidly losing weight, which can be due to a lack of food or changes in metabolism caused by certain diseases. Other gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting and diarrhea may accompany your dog’s loss of appetite in rare circumstances.
3. Severe Pain

As previously said, your dog is unable to communicate with you what is going on in its body. As a result, you should pay attention to your dog’s body language, motions, and mobility.
Many pain problems can be handled with medication; but, if they don’t improve quickly and their quality of life is decreasing, it may be time to think about what else you can do to help them.
4. Breathing Problems
Having breathing problems is a painful experience. Imagine your pet experiencing the same agony. Do not keep the pet alive for your interest. If you love it, ease its misery and let it go.
5. Loss of Balance
The loss of coordination and motor function is the next big symptom that a dog is dying. If your dog does stand up and move about, he or she may appear shaky or confused. While lying down, they may shake or convulse.
Keep them in a limited, calm, comfortable space as much as possible, and remove anything they might bump into or knock over. Saying farewell to your dog entails safeguarding them, creating a secure environment for them, and providing them with any assistance they require.
6. Reduced Grooming
At the end of their lives, some pets become incontinent and lose control of their bladder and bowels. Others might need further assistance to stay clean. Reduced grooming may be a sign that your dog is in the final stages of its life.
7. Mood Swings
This one goes hand in hand with a loss of interest in customary pastimes. If your dog is generally good-natured and friendly and becomes sullen and aggressive, this could be an indication that his health has taken a knock.
If they can’t communicate with you because of an illness or infirmity, it will undoubtedly affect their mood. Take notice if they begin to engage in unusual actions, such as being aggressive against family members.
While the symptoms listed above can indicate that a dog is dying, they can also indicate that the dog is suffering from a medical problem that can be treated. If you are concerned about your dog’s health or believe your dog is dying, you should schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.