3 Motivational Mantras That Will Get You By

self affirmation after exercising

Whenever you wake up in the morning, what do you usually tell yourself to start your day? Do you even have something that you tell yourself in the morning? You know, that voice-over if you were to be a star in your own show?

Having a mantra in life seems like a cliche, but it does help someone get by. It is something people instill in their minds until they embody its essence. Similar to how you have memorized the multiplication table instead of actually knowing how to compute in your head. A mantra also has the power to save someone from standard occurrences of doubts. For example, you are struggling to start with a commissioned artwork because of too many demanded details. You can always go back to your artist mantra “Less is more” to help you get started.

When you are going back and forth with rewarding yourself, you can easily resort to yelling “YOLO”, and get that Nintendo Switch you want. See? Mantra.

Now that you have an idea of what a mantra is and what it does, ask yourself about your existing ones. We are not going to replace them, but here are some others that will help you get by in the morning, even if you do not feel like getting up and being productive.

“To Better Days”

At times, people can feel all the weight of the world on their shoulders. Understandably, it is easy to succumb to the heaviness, especially when there is not much that makes you feel better.

If there is nothing that makes you feel better yet, you can simply remind yourself that there are going to be better days because there will. Even if you do not believe it, and certainly if you do not feel it. Repeating this mantra every morning will give you the will to push through even with baby steps, as long as those steps are forward.

If you are currently experiencing a loss of a family member, allow yourself to mourn. It is not easy to deal with everything while you are still trying to process it. So, it is advisable to hire a funeral director and planning service that will take care of things. This way, you will have the time to mourn until you can tell yourself there will be better days after this.

“Life is Short”

You Only Live Once rooted from life is short, but kids these days now associate YOLO more with doing extreme things altogether because we only live once.

Have you ever felt disconnected from the world? With your friends and families? Suddenly, you do not feel like hanging out with them or visiting your parents during the holidays. While it is normal especially with young adults, sooner or later, you will realize that life is short, and you need to spend time with the ones you love.

Life is only precious because it ends. So, try to whisper these words to yourself whenever you are not feeling grateful in the morning, and allow it to simmer. Ponder upon it and think of all the things in your life that need attention because life is short. These things can be your aging parents, your siblings, or even yourself. You may need pampering and some spoiling from your own self to know how much you have been missing out on. When in doubt, remember that life is short, and you’ll get there.

“What I Feel is What I Feel”

The last mantra on our list is for those women who struggled with emotional abuse before. It is always hard to recognize and practice healthy habits after surviving a toxic relationship. Some traumas never really leave us, and it is easy to fall back into unhealthy tendencies even when you are finally with the right person.

There would be instances that you might feel scared to voice out your needs because you are scared of being shut down and invalidated. There will also be nights when your thoughts may get the better of you, and lastly, there will even be moments when you will question your progress.

Your feelings matter, and you should not let anyone make you question that. Try to communicate those to your partner and remind yourself that things have changed and what you feel is what you feel, and those emotions are valid.

There is power in mantras. It is not the same as faking it until you make it. It is not the same as telling yourself you are okay until you feel like it. Mantras are ways of life and reminders to push forward in life.

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